
Full name: Jevon something something Chapman


D.O.B.: 9/25/83 LIBRAS ROCK!!!!

Favorite color(s): blue and green, not mixed.

Favorite bands: 5ive, Backstreet People, Destiny's Child, PI, other people i don't feel like naming :)

favorite movie: The Big Hit!!!!

favorite song: favorite songs are like lays potato chips, you can't have just one

best friend(s): Neets and Angie! :)

favorite Backstreet person: hmmm.....toss up AMONG(mrs. melton?)Kevin, Howie, and AJ, but technically I'm not allowed to have a favorite.

Favorite 5ive member: pick one???????? awwwwwwwww!!!!! no!

Favorite N Sync member: Lance because he sings "girl were you alone?" and I'm like "yeah!!!!! i was!!!! yeah!!"

Innie or outie?: innie, wanna see? :)

role model: Fatima Robinson Sayeed. She is successful and she's a choreographer and that's what I wanna be!!!

Least favorite BSB member: Brian.....sorry .....

Least favorite 5ive member: if anyone answers whi question I will personally kick your @$$!!!!!>:|

Least Favorite N Sync member: toss up between Justin and J.C.....probably Justin cause J.C. seems boring.

quote: "Am i sexual?"


"ok, that's all I wanted to know. thanks :)"

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